Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hello to all!!! What a day today!!! First of all, I've been really pushing myself in the working out department. I go at least 5 days a week. Pretty much I freakin' love turbo kick. Yes, Dad if you are reading this my feet are leaving the ground at the same time LOL. In fact, there is one move that I have to jump and turn my body and do a 180 degree turn:P. I'm pushing myself to whole new levels and it feels so invigorating!! This morning I finally accomplished something that I had been wanting to do for a few weeks. I went to a turbo kick class followed by flippin fun (swim laps with flippers and in between each lap we do 12 pull ups). I always thought, "No, I can't do this it will be too hard. I know how turbo kick literally "kicks" my rear!" I was watching The Biggest Loser yesterday and I thought, "Darn it! If 300 + lbs are running then I can do it too!!" I'm happy to report that I did accomplish it today and it felt great. It will be my new Saturday adventure. What's the next hurdle??? I'm trying to gear up to run a little with Mellody. Again this has been another mind game, "There is no way I can run!! I'm too fat!! I'll die!!!" I'll let you know on my status of the running. I'm thinking about working with a trainer (she's my swimming instructor) and she is great. We talked a little about it today. We'll see. Maybe I'll start going on the tred mill (once I get my IPOD touch~hint hint Will:)).

I had an awesome dinner date tonight!! Will and my mom and I joined my good friends and their twins for dinner. I can't believe how big they are getting. THey will be 3 in June. It was so great to see their kids. To end my night I shall work on lesson plans. Yeah, you heard me lesson plans on a Saturday night. I am sooooooooooooooooo ccoooooolllllll LOL!


  1. Wow! You're keeping busy! Keep up the good work. As far as running goes, if I can do it for one minute I'm sure you can go for at least 5!

  2. Thanks Sarah!!!:) Perhaps we will be running together soon!!!:)
